Did you know that big changes to flexible working law mean new rights for workers from April 2024?

That means it’s a great time to have a chat with us about how Videosign can help you to carry on doing business securely and efficiently – even when your staff aren’t working in the office.

So how can Videosign prepare your business for April’s flexible working Changes

What’s happening?

Current regulations mean new staff have to wait 26 weeks until they can request flexible working arrangements, including remote or hybrid working.

But that changes from April when the Employment Rights (Flexible Working) Act 2023 comes into force.

The new law means new recruits can request remote or hybrid working from the very first day of their employment – and employers will also need to be able to explain reasons for rejection of a flexible working request. 

The new law will also mean that employers have to respond to flexible working requests within two months. Employees will be able to make two requests for flexible working in any 12-month period, as opposed to the current limit of one.

So what does that mean for your business?

If your work involves signing, witnessing and securely storing documents, you could soon find yourself with a problem.

How will your business ensure it can efficiently obtain signed and witnessed documentation when workers are away from the office or working flexible hours?

How will you effectively engage with clients who are also offering remote working?

How Videosign can help

Videosign offers the complete package for businesses that need the highest levels of compliance alongside maximum flexibility.

Our software allows you to:

  • Meet with clients via any web browser, with no extra apps or software to install
  • Verify their identity via bank data (in the UK) or biometric ID document check
  • Sign and witness documents with video evidence and secure ‘eIDAS Qualified’ digital certificates
  • Securely store documents for future reference

Here at Videosign, we’re big believers in the power and flexibility of remote working. Wherever your staff happen to be, our platform can help them to get things done with exceptional levels of security and compliance.

Remote working is here to stay, and next month’s changes to the law mean businesses are going to be more likely to say yes to employees’ requests for time away from the office.

It’s a great time to say goodbye to sending documents via post and storing them in dusty filing cabinets.

Request a Videosign demo today and let us help you prepare your business for April’s flexible working changes and the next stage in the evolution of remote work.

We're here to help

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